Francesco Pierri
Email: francesco.pierri at polimi dot it

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I am an Assistant Professor in the Datascience group of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano.
My research falls in the area of Computational Social Science and it focuses on the development and application of data-driven computer science and network science methodologies to study online large-scale socio-economic phenomena.
I am particularly interested in studying applications of Large Language Models to understand the impact of generative AI on online information ecosystems as well as investigating information disorders (misinformation and disinformation campaigns) that affect the integrity of online social media platforms.

I have several Master thesis proposals for POLIMI students:

  • Leveraging Large Language Models (chatGPT et al.) to detect and fact-check online misinformation
  • Detecting and modeling Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior on Meta platforms
  • Investigating conspiracy theories on TikTok and YouTube
  • Investigate political targeted advertisement on Meta (Facebook, Instagram) platforms
  • Studying adolescents' usage of social media through digital data donations

I was a Visiting Fellow Researcher at the Information Sciences Institute (ISI), University of Southern California, working with prof. Emilio Ferrara.
I received my Ph.D. Cum Laude in "Data Analytics and Decision Sciences" from Politecnico di Milano, under the supervision of prof. Stefano Ceri and prof. Fabio Pammolli. I was also a Visiting Fellow Researcher in the NaN group at Indiana University's Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe) led by prof. Filippo Menczer.

I am affiliated with Facebook "Data for Good" program to understand the socio-economic impact of mobility restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic (check out our research featured on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ).

I practice capoeira in the Sul Da Bahia academia in Milan.

Credits for the template to my friend (who actually copied it from here).